Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Requirement 3: Compliance with GBIF informatics

Compliant with the GBIF Informatics Infrastructure / Architecture. To ensure the interoperability of the NPT with other GBIF tools such as HIT and IPT, NPT should be developed in a manner that is compliant with GBIF Informatics Infrastructure and Architecture. The interoperability of the NPT with other GBIF informatics tools should be aiming at optimizing current development, and ensuring the same standards are adopted and that resulting data flows are kept simple and consistent (i.e. not affecting the data quality of the data system as a whole).  When other informatics tools impose constraints on NPT functionality, NPT developers should communicate those constraints and work in concert with GBIF informatics staff. 

NPT: the next steps

The NPT is still in the main design/architecture phase. The first version of the NPT scoping and requirements document will be released soon, and posted on the NPT Google Code site
Tomorrow, the NPT coordinator will meet with the ViBRANT crew in London together with two GBIFS representatives to examine common solutions to the respective developments involved in the NPT and the ViBRANT project. The idea is to optimize the work and make sure systems will be able to "talk to each other". 
The next steps include:

Preparation of an Architecture document (aimed at developers)
Finalization of wireframe and Mindmap
Informal pre-anouncement for DEVs 
Call for expressions of interest by NPT DEVs prepared, circulated and issued 
Evaluation and selection of NPT development partners
NPT coding camp I
Stay tuned!

Requirement 2: multi-platform

Multi-platform. The NPT should be developed so that it can be hosted on Windows, MacOS or Linux operating systems from the beginning. This will allow users (NPT administrators) to work with the OS they are most familiar with, including free and open source solutions.